Announcements for Sunday, March 31, 2019
Our Thursday Inspirational Service time will change to 7 – 8 p.m. beginning this Thursday April 4 and continuing for at least the Spring and Summer quarters. The Study Group start time will shift earlier to 6:15 p.m.
Today we are pleased to have the Kirtan group playing for today’s services. Also this coming Saturday, April 6, the kirtan group will play for the 10 a.m. Saturday meditation.
Our Spring Quarterly Events Brochure is now available, and can be obtained from an usher upon exiting the chapel, or at the Information Table in the social room. The brochure contains our updated service times, and all the events for the Spring quarter including Easter meditations and services.
Our annual retreat at Seabeck will be held this year June 7 – 9, led by visiting monastics Bro. Sevananda and Br. Kapildeo. We plan to open registration through our website this coming week. Our forthcoming April Newsletter will have more information about the retreat.
The subject for today’s service is, “Awaken Your Power to be Happy.”
Download March 31, 2019 Announcements