Please mark your calendars for our annual picnic to be held at Hamlin Park following the Sunday Services on July 10, and for our next Day of Service to be held on Saturday July 16.
Self-Realization Fellowship is pleased to announce that four new ebooks from have been published. In addition to Autobiography of a Yogi, our ebook editions of Metaphysical Meditations, The Law of Success, How You Can Talk With God, and Scientific Healing Affirmations are now available on and Apple iBooks. These classics by Paramahansa Yogananda can be read on a variety of e-readers, phones, and tablets and SRF will be releasing more titles in the coming months. Additional information can be found at
Our next day of service is on Saturday, July 16th. We begin at 9:30 am with a meditation, have a vegetarian lunch at 1, and then finish up projects till 4. All are welcome to come for any length of time.
The DVD for today’s Service is: “In His Presence” by Mrinalini Mata.