Seattle Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Mt Rainier and Yogananda
  • SRF Seattle Center

August 7, 2022

Announcements for August 7, 2022

During the week of Convocation, a few classes can be viewed here in the Center. We will broadcast the evening classes on Sunday, August 14 and Tuesday, August 16 between 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by meditation for an hour. On Saturday, August 20, the closing class by Brother Chidananda will also be viewed from 1-2pm following the 3 hour Saturday meditation.  Details will be on our Center’s website. 

A reminder that cases of Covid-19 are increasing locally and nationally. You may choose to wear a mask at any time while attending services as a means of mitigating health risks and promoting safety. Masks are available at both entrances to the building. If you test positive for Covid-19, have symptoms suggestive of it, or have been in close contact with anyone positive for Covid-19, please continue to follow precautions of testing and isolation, and do not attend services while ill or positive on testing, even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms. 

The subject for today’s service is “Bring Forth Your Divine Nature”.

Printable PDF of August 7 2022 Announcements