Announcements for Sunday, August 26, 2018
On Sunday, September 2, we will celebrate Janmashtami, a Commemorative Service honoring the birth of Bhagavan Krishna. The service will begin at 8 pm and will be preceded by a silent meditation from 7 – 7:40 p.m. During the meditation, ushers will allow late arrivals to enter silently. Please bring a flower and a monetary offering in an envelope.
Our monastic counselor Bro. Devananda, will visit our Center along with Br. Troy this September 20 – 23. Please visit our website calendar for the detailed schedule of the weekend’s events.
The Flower Committee would like to request that people refrain from watering the indoor plants at our Center, because it can cause the plants to become overwatered. There are volunteers assigned to water each of the indoor plants according to their needs. Thanks for your understanding. If you have any questions, you can contact Anshika Kumar on the Flower Committee.
Today we will show Part I of the DVD: “Security in a World of Change”, by Sri. Daya Mata