Seattle Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Mt Rainier and Yogananda
  • SRF Seattle Center

April 9, 2017 Announcements

Announcements for 4/9/2017

The annual Helping Hearts Farm to Food Bank Project will have it’s Bake Sale Fund Drive on Sunday April 23rd. Please join us for snacks, sweet treats and chai. The funds from this bake sale will be used to purchase a weekly share of fresh vegetables to be given to the HopeLink Shoreline Food Bank for 20 weeks this summer. Our goal is to raise $1,300. Thank you in advance for your generosity to the people in our neighboring community. Financial contributions are welcome.

On Friday, April 14,  there will be a three hour Kirtan meditation from 7 to 10pm for Good Friday. On Saturday, April 15 we will have a 6 hour Easter meditation from 3 – 9pm. On Sunday, April 16, we will celebrate Easter. We will begin with our Easter Sunrise service at 7am. Our regular meditation at 10am will be followed our by our 11am Sunday Service. We will then have an Easter Potluck at 12pm. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. After the potluck, we will show a video of Bro. Anandamoy’s memorial service at 1pm. The video is 1 hr 23 min long.  All are invited to stay and watch the video.

We invite all children and teens between the ages of 7 to 18 to the SRF Summer Day Program in Encinitas. This program ushers in a new era in training for youth in our Guru’s How-to-Live spiritual principles. With guidance from SRF monastics, teens and children will have an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, learn SRF techniques of meditation, engage in fun activities and create friendships with spiritually-minded peers. The program for Girls will be between June 26-30 and for Boys between July 3-7. Please see the flyer describing the program, located on the Information table, or pick up a flyer from our Sunday School. You are welcome to register via the SRF website home page and click on “2017 Youth Events” under the “Events” section.

Our annual monastic-led Seabeck Retreat will be held this year June 9-11.  You can register and find more information on our website.

After the service, please stay seated for a brief update from our Center Coordinator Jeremy Jones.

Please join us today after the service for light refreshments in the Social Room.

The subject for today’s service is, “Follow the Path of the Great Ones.”

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