Seattle Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Mt Rainier and Yogananda
  • SRF Seattle Center

April 3, 2016 Announcements

The annual Helping Hearts Farm to Food Bank Project is having it’s Bake Sale Fund Drive today. Please join us for sweet treats, other eats and chai. The funds from this successful bake sale will purchase a weekly share of fresh vegetables to be given to the HopeLink Shoreline Food Bank for 20 weeks this summer.  Our goal is $720.00 for the large share. Thank you in advance for your generosity to the people in our neighboring community. Financial contributions are also welcome.

We invite you to visit our Information Table in the Foyer after the service if you have questions or to learn more about our Center.

Our annual Seabeck Retreat will be held from June 10 – 12 this year. This is an SRF Regional Retreat led by monastics and includes group energization, kirtan, meditation and classes.  Registration will start next Sunday, April 10th.  Registration will be available on our website.  There will also be printed forms for those who do not have web access.

The subject for today’s reading is: “How to Fulfill Your Role in Life”.

Download Printable Version of 4-3-2016 Announcements