Announcements for November 5, 2023
Youth Group Kirtan November 12
On Sunday November 12, our Youth will lead the Kirtan during the Reading Service. Since November 12 also falls on the celebration of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, there will be a special tea social afterwards commemorating it with Indian food and sweets. All are invited to attend.
Pre-Christmas and All-day Christmas meditation
There will be pre-Christmas 4 hour kirtan meditations held on Saturday, November 25, Saturday December 2 and Saturday December 9. The all-day Christmas meditation will be held on Saturday, December 16, and will be led by Brother Sarvananda and Bramhachari Klaus.
Service Subject
The subject for today’s service is “The Most Tempting Temptation”.
Printable PDF of November 5, 2023 Announcements