Seattle Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Mt Rainier and Yogananda
  • SRF Seattle Center

November 12, 2023

Announcements for November 12, 2023

Day of Service

Thank you to our many volunteers who participated in the Day of Service held last Saturday. The giving of your time and your selfless efforts are so appreciated, and the Center benefits from the focused attention to maintenance and organization tasks. For those who haven’t yet had the opportunity to participate in a Day of Service, our next one will be held in the New Year, and announced ahead of time. 

Diwali Tea Social

Directly following the service, there will be a special tea social to commemorate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which is being celebrated throughout India today. All are welcome to share in the joy of fellowship, and enjoy the food and sweets prepared by our volunteers. We thank everyone who helped to make this a special occasion for all gathered here today. 

Pre-Christmas and All-day Christmas meditation

There will be pre-Christmas 4 hour kirtan meditations held on Saturday, November 25, Saturday December 2 and Saturday December 9. The all-day Christmas meditation will be held on Saturday, December 16, and will be led by Brother Sarvananda and Bramhachari Klaus. 

Service Subject

The subject for today’s service is “Practical Methods of Spiritual Growth”.

Printable PDF of November 12, 2023 Announcements