Our annual summer picnic will be held at nearby Hamlin Park following today’s services. All are invited for food, fellowship, and games. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. The center will provide veggie burgers, buns and condiments. Directions to Hamlin Park are on the bulletin board in the social room.
On Saturday July 22, we will have a Kirtan meditation for Mahavatar Babaji from 3 to 9 pm. There will be a 30-minute break at 5:30 pm with group Energization Exercises at 5:40.
On Tuesday July 25, we will have a Commemorative Service for Mahavatar Babaji. The Commemorative Service will begin at 8 pm and be preceded by a silent meditation 7 – 7:45 pm. During the 7pm meditation, ushers will allow late arrivals to enter silently. Those attending the Commemorative Service are asked to bring a flower and a monetary offering in an envelope.
During the upcoming SRF Convocation in Los Angeles, our annual group dinner for Seattle-area devotees will be held Wednesday, August 9, 5:30 pm, at the Lakeside Bistro in the Bonaventure Hotel. The price this year will be $26.50/person for the buffet. All are invited to join. For those who who don’t wish to eat, but want to come for fellowship, please feel free.
The subject for today’s service is “Seeing God as the Sole Doer”
Download printable PDF copy of 7/16/2017 Announcements