<Start by reading the letter from the board of directors regarding Sri Mrinalini Mata’s passing.>
This Thursday, August 17th, we will hold a special prayer and meditation service to honor the life and passing of our beloved Sri Mrinalini Mata. The times will be the same as our usual Thursday schedule, with the service being 7:30 – 8:30 pm, followed by a prayer and healing service lasting until 8:50 pm.
On Monday, August 14th (tomorrow) we will celebrate Janmashtami, a Commemorative Service honoring the birth of Bhagavan Krishna. The service will begin at 8 pm and will be preceded by silent meditation from 7 – 7:40pm. During the meditation, ushers will allow late arrivals to enter silently. Please bring a flower and a monetary offering in an envelope.
This Saturday, August 19th, we will have a long Kirtan meditation for Bhagavan Krishna from 3 – 9 pm. There will be a break at 5:30 pm and group Energization Exercises at 5:40 pm.
The subject for today’s service is: “The Root Cause of Suffering”
Download PDF printable version of 8/13/2017 Announcements
Download PDF copy of Letter From SRF-YSS Board of Directors