Tomorrow (Monday, July 25) we will have a Commemorative Service for Mahavatar Babaji. The Service begins at 8 pm and will be preceded by a silent meditation at 7 pm. The ushers will allow late arrivals to enter silently during the 7 pm meditation. Those attending the Commemorative Service are asked to bring a flower and a monetary offering.
The Managing Council is seeking Area Leaders and a Coordinator for an India Night event this Fall, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 10. Areas where volunteers are needed include set-up, clean-up, decorations, food, ticketing, publicity, and overall event coordination. If you are interested, please contact our Events Committee Liaison Steven Gary, or email and indicate which area you are interested to serve in.
At the upcoming SRF Convocation in Los Angeles, we will hold a dinner for Seattle-area devotees at the Lakeside Bistro located on the lobby level of the Westin Bonaventure Hotel on Wednesday, August 10 at 5:30 pm, immediately following the Satsang. Dinner will be served buffet-style and the cost will be around $25 per person, to be confirmed soon. No registration is needed. For questions please contact De Fox or email All are invited, and a special welcome is extended to any newcomers or first-time Convocation attendees.
Today we will be showing Part II of the DVD “In His Presence” by Mrinalini Mata.