Seattle Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Mt Rainier and Yogananda
  • SRF Seattle Center

December 4 Announcements

Announcements for 12/4/2016

The Social Committee needs several new volunteers in order to continue hosting potlucks and other social events regularly. If you enjoy this aspect of fellowship at the Center, please consider volunteering. The time commitment is minimal, but offers a rewarding opportunity to help cultivate warm spiritual fellowship here at the Center. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you for your consideration.

Another important need for the Social Committee is the contribution of vegetarian dishes for our potlucks.  Our potlucks tend to be well-attended, but frequently do not have sufficient food donations. This requires the Social Committee to go to the store and buy extra food during the Service. Please consider planning ahead and contributing to the potlucks to support these fellowship opportunities with abundant food options. Our next Christmas potluck will be on Sunday December 18 at 12pm following the monastic-led Services. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Our next 4-hour pre-Christmas Kirtan meditation will be held on Saturday Dec 10th from 5 – 9 pm.  We will practice Energization Exercises as a group at 4:40 pm prior to the meditation for those who wish to arrive early.

We will host visiting monastics Brother Govindananda and Brahmachari Augusto for Christmas this year. Our itinerary is as follows:

  • Thursday, Dec 15th: Meditation and Service at 7:30 pm followed by a Tea Social
  • Friday, Dec 16: Outing with monastics between 10 am to 3 pm which will include a walk and a lunch; Please sign up on the board in the social room
  • Saturday, Dec 17: All-Day Christmas Meditation with Kirtan 10 am – 6 pm
  • Sunday, December 18: Monastic-led Sunday Services followed by vegetarian potluck

All are invited to celebrate Christmas with us in deep meditation and spiritual fellowship.

We will be decorating our Christmas Tree today after the service. All are welcome to participate in this joyful event.

The subject for today’s reading is, “Limited and Unlimited Methods of Healing.”

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