Announcements for 12/3/17
Our next 4-hour pre-Christmas meditation with kirtan will be held this coming Saturday, December 9 from 5-9 p.m..
Flyers with our Christmas meditation schedule, along with instructions for the All-Day Christmas Meditation on December 16th, are available at the Information Table.
Helping Hearts would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Shoeboxes of Joy wrapping and packing party on November 19. There were many behind-the-scenes helpers as well as those who did the wrapping and packing. We had a total of 57 boxes to be delivered by Catholic Community Services to members of our community who are elderly and disabled.
Please join us today, after the service, to help decorate the Christmas tree. Children are especially welcome!
The subject for today’s service is, “How to Attune with Divine Will.”