Announcements for 12/11/2016
The Social Committee needs several new volunteers in order to continue hosting potlucks and other social events regularly. If you enjoy this aspect of fellowship at the Center, please consider volunteering. The time commitment is minimal, and offers a rewarding opportunity to help cultivate warm spiritual fellowship here at the Center. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
Another important need for the Social Committee is the contribution of vegetarian dishes for our potlucks. Our potlucks are well-attended, but frequently do not have sufficient food donations. This requires the Social Committee to go to the store and buy extra food during the Service. Please consider planning ahead and contributing to the potlucks to support these fellowship opportunities with abundant food options. Our next potluck will be on Sunday December 18 following the monastic-led Christmas Service. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Would you like learn playing the harmonium? Guruji once remarked “chanting is half the battle!” Chanting awakens devotion and helps us to still our thoughts before meditation. Next year we will be offering several harmonium lessons at the Center starting end-of-January. If you are interested please see the signup sheet near the bulletin board. No experience necessary!
We would like your opinion/input on whether you would appreciate having a showing here at the Center of the Public Memorial Service of revered SRF monastic Bro. Anandamoy. The Memorial Service was held on Sept. 24th 2016 and is available on the SRF YouTube channel. We want your input to decide whether we’ll show it as a 3-part series during our usual DVD Sundays, or as a single showing at 1pm following a Sunday Service. The full video is about 90 minutes along. Please stop by the Information Table and indicate your preferred choice.
Next week we will host monastics Brother Govindananda and Brahmachari Augusto for our Christmas festivities. All are invited to join us for the itinerary as follows:
- Thursday, Dec 15th: Meditation and Service at 7:30 pm followed by a Tea Social
- Friday, Dec 16: Outing with monastics between 10 am to 3 pm which will include a walk and a lunch; Please sign up on the board in the social room
- Saturday, Dec 17: All-Day Christmas Meditation with Kirtan 10 am – 6 pm
- Sunday, December 18: Monastic-led Sunday Services followed by vegetarian potluck
On Sunday, December 25, regular Sunday Services will not be held. Instead, the chapel will be open from 10am – 12pm for individual meditation.
After today’s Service, there will be a brief update from the Managing Council lasting less than 5 minutes.
The subject for today’s reading is, “Receiving God’s Answer to Your Prayers.”